Church Planting
Church planting among the Mahafaly has taken us on quite a journey. It has challenged everything from the way we view missions to our overall understanding of who God is and how He works. We hope you enjoy reading about our church planting adventure and that it is an encouragement for you in your own personal ministry.
The church planting portion of this website is divided into four main categories: evangelism, discipleship, church formation, and leadership development. Click on a page to read about our experiences in each stage of church planting. On the right side of the page you will find links to resources we used during that particular stage. At the bottom of each page, you will find four topics our team struggled with during that season of church planting. Click on the links to read how our team has wrestled with various questions, problems, and situations as we have ministered among the Mahafaly. Feel free to leave comments and questions on the forum page. We would love to hear from you!